To move a document forward in the read station from one timing mark to the next so that a new line of characters is visible to the scan head. 在阅读机上向前移动文件,从一个时标移到下一个,以使扫描头可读取一个新的字符行。
Conclusion: In newbron Apgar mark ≤ 7 of asphyxia, early CT scan will be helpful to diagnose intracranial hemorrhage and decrease sequela. 结论:在新生儿评分≤7分出现新生儿窒息时,应尽早行CT检查,有助于早期诊断颅内出血,减少后遗症。
The FY-2 spin stabilized geosynchronous meteorological satellite uses the earth pulse for attitude control reference mark and uses the sun pulse for image scan reference mark. 风云二号自旋稳定地球同步气象卫星,以地球脉冲作为姿态控制基准,以太阳脉冲作为图像扫描基准,太阳、地球、卫星三者之间的相对关系在连续不断地运动变化。